NCERT Books for Class 10 (2023-24): NCERT Books for Class 10 are prescribed by CBSE and most of the state boards functional in India as these books provide students with a strong foundation in the basic concepts of various subjects. The books are updated occasionally to reflect the latest trends and developments in education. In this article, we have provided the latest NCERT Books for all subjects of class 10. Read these books thoroughly to prepare well for the upcoming session 2024-25.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) revised the textbooks of all subjects for class 10 back in 2022-23, the session affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. These revisions were part of an effort to streamline the syllabus and reduce the academic burden on students, who faced significant disruptions to their education due to school closures and the shift to online learning. Some significant topics and chapters were deleted from the NCERT textbooks. You can also check the list of rationalised content or the deleted parts of NCERT books. The same changes are to be retained for the current academic session as well.
Below are the latest NCERT Books for Class 10, essential for students preparing for the 2025 board exams. These textbooks are available in chapter-wise PDF format for convenient access and study.
NCERT Books for Class 10 All Subjects PDF:
Check Class 10 NCERT Books for all major subjects below to read the revised textbooks for the new academic session:
You can also directly download the chapter of any subject you want to read at a time. For this chapter-wise PDFs of all the Class 10 books are mentioned below:
NCERT Class 10 Maths Book: Download Chapter-Wise PDF:
- Chapter 1: Real Numbers
- Chapter 2: Polynomials
- Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations
- Chapter 5: Arithmetic Progression
- Chapter 6: Triangles
- Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry
- Chapter 8: Introduction to Trigonometry
- Chapter 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Chapter 10: Circles
- Chapter 11: Constructions
- Chapter 12: Area Related to Circles
- Chapter 13: Surface Areas and Volumes
- Chapter 14: Statistics
- Chapter 15: Probability
NCERT Class 10 Science Book - Download Chapter-Wise PDF
- Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations
- Chapter 2: Acid, Base and Salt
- Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals
- Chapter 4: Carbon and Its Compounds
- Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements
- Chapter 6: Life Processes
- Chapter 7: Control and Coordination
- Chapter 8: How Do Organisms Reproduce
- Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution
- Chapter 10: Light - Reflection and Refraction
- Chapter 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World
- Chapter 12: Electricity
- Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Chapter 14: Sources of Energy
- Chapter 15: Our Environment
- Chapter 16: Management of Natural Resources
NCERT Class 10 Social Science Book - Download Chapter-Wise PDF
India and the Contemporary World II
- Chapter 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- Chapter 2: Nationalism in India
- Chapter 3: The Making of a Global World
- Chapter 4: The Age of Industrialisation
- Chapter 5: Print Culture and The Modern World
Contemporary India II
- Chapter 1: Resources and Development
- Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources
- Chapter 3: Water Resources
- Chapter 4: Agriculture
- Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources
- Chapter 6: Manufacturing Industries
- Chapter 7: Lifelines of National Economy
Democratic Politics II
- Chapter 1: Power Sharing
- Chapter 2: Federalism
- Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity
- Chapter 4: Gender, Religion and Caste
- Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and Movements
- Chapter 6: Political Parties
- Chapter 7: Outcomes of Democracy
- Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy
Understanding Economic Development
- Chapter 1: Development
- Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
- Chapter 3: Money and Credit
- Chapter 4: Globalisation and the Indian Economy
- Chapter 5: Consumer Rights
NCERT Class 10 Hindi Book - Download Chapter-Wise PDF:
NCERT Class 10 Hindi - Kshitij Part II Textbook
- Chapter 1: सूरदास
- Chapter 2: तुलसीदास
- Chapter 3: देव
- Chapter 4: जयशंकर प्रसाद
- Chapter 5: सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला'
- Chapter 6: नागार्जुन
- Chapter 7: गिरिजा कुमार माथुर
- Chapter 8: ऋतुराज
- Chapter 9: मंगलेश डबराल
- Chapter 10: स्वयं प्रकाश
- Chapter 11: रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
- Chapter 12: यशपाल
- Chapter 13: सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना
- Chapter 14: मन्नू भंडारी
- Chapter 15 - महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी
- Chapter 16: यतीन्द्र मिश्रा
- Chapter 17: भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन
NCERT Class 10 Hindi - Kritika Textbook:
- Chapter 1: माता का अँचल
- Chapter 2: जॉर्ज पंचम की नाक
- Chapter 3: साना – साना हाथ जोड़ि…
- Chapter 4: एही ठैयाँ झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा!
- Chapter 5: मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ?
NCERT Class 10 Hindi - Sparsh Textbook:
- Chapter 1: कबीर – साखी
- Chapter 2: मीरा – पद
- Chapter 3: बिहारी – दोहे
- Chapter 4: मैथिलीशरण गुप्त – मानुषीता
- Chapter 5: सुमित्रानंदन पंत – परवत प्रदेश के पावस
- Chapter 6: महादेवी वर्मा – मधुर मधुर मेरे दीपक जल
- Chapter 7: वीरेन डंगवाल – तोप
- Chapter 8: कैफ़ी आज़मी – कर चले हम फ़िदा
- Chapter 9: रवींद्रनाथ ठाकुर – आत्मत्राण
- Chapter 10: प्रेमचंद – बडे भाई साहब
- Chapter 11: सीताराम सेकसरिया – डायरी का एक पन्ना
- Chapter 12: तताँरा वामीरो कथा
- Chapter 13: प्रह्लाद अग्रवाल – तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार शैलेंद्र
- Chapter 14: अंतोन चेखव – गिरगिट
- Chapter 15: निदा फाजली – अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले
- Chapter 16: रवीन्द्र केलेकर – पतझर में टूटी पत्तियाँ
- Chapter 17: हबीब तनवीर — कारतूस
NCERT Class 10 Hindi - Sanchayan Part II Textbook:
- Chapter 1: हरिहर काका मिथिलेश्वर
- Chapter 2: सपनों के से दिन गुरदयाल सिंह
- Chapter 3: टोपी शुक्ला राही मासूम रज़ा
NCERT Class 10 English Book - Download Chapter-Wise PDF:
NCERT Class 10 English - First Flight Textbook
- Chapter 1: A Letter to God
- Chapter 2: Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
- Chapter 3: Two Stories about Flying
- Chapter 4: From the Diary of Anne Frank
- Chapter 5: The Hundred Dresses–I
- Chapter 6: The Hundred Dresses–II
- Chapter 7: Glimpses of India
- Chapter 8: Mijbil the Otter
- Chapter 9: Madam Rides the Bus
- Chapter 10: The Sermon at Benares
- Chapter 11: The Proposal
NCERT Class 10 English - Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader
- Chapter 1: A Triumph of Surgery
- Chapter 2: The Thief’s Story
- Chapter 3: The Midnight Visitor
- Chapter 4: A Question of Trust
- Chapter 5: Footprints without Feet
- Chapter 6: The Making of a Scientist
- Chapter 7: The Necklace
- Chapter 8: The Hack Driver
- Chapter 9: Bholi
- Chapter 10: The Book That Saved the Earth
NCERT Class 10 English - Words and Expressions Workbook
- Unit 1 - A Letter to God
- Unit 2 - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
- Unit 3 - Two Stories about Flying
- Unit 4 - From the Diary of Anne Frank
- Unit 5 - The Hundred Dresses–I
- Unit 6 - The Hundred Dresses–II
- Unit 7 - Glimpses of India
- Unit 8 - Mijbil the Otter
- Unit 9 - Madam Rides the Bus
- Unit 10 - The Sermon at Benares
- Unit 11 - The Proposal
Importance of NCERT Books for Class 10 students
Textbooks curated by NCERT are prescribed by CBSE board for class 10 students because they contain authentic, valid information which is relevant for students to have a strong base for further education. NCERT books for class 10 provide simple explanations and in-depth knowledge of all major and minor topics. This makes it easy for all students. Additionally, NCERT strictly follows the CBSE Curriculum which is designed to help students grow holistically.
Alos, check below the link to download the updated NCERT solutions for all subjects of Class 10:
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 All Subjects (PDF) |
Online Mock Tests and Video Lectures for CBSE Class 10
Here's the most valuable and lucrative resource for CBSE Class 10 students which can help them secure the best marks in their CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025. We have presented the video lectures designed by the subject matter experts for all major subjects of Class 10. These video courses will help you clear all your doubts and excel in your studies. Additionally, we have also provided the online test series, which will be helpful to evaluate your preparation and thus enhance your performance in the CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025. Below is the link to this invaluable study resource: